Mangue Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Understand Your Insurance Contract

All insurance contracts are governed by the concept of offer and acceptance. This requires you to fill the proposal form and send it to the insurance company. Sometimes you are also required to attach a check for the premium amount, with the proposal form.

Your filling the proposal form and sending it to the insurance company is the offer and when the insurance company accepts your proposal it is the acceptance part of the concept. The amount you pay as premium is considered as the consideration part of the contract. The concept of legal capacity also applies to insurance contracts. It requires both the parties to be legally capable of entering a contract. Your insurance contract is based on legal purpose, which means that the contact is not meant for encouraging illegal activities. The other legal principles that govern the contracts are:

Principle of Indemnity:

This principle requires the insurer to pay an amount, not more than the actual loss suffered, in case of loss. The amount paid as claim by the insurance company should not be more than the sum assured in the insurance contract. The aim is to provide a claim amount that will help the claimant to regain the lost financial position. In some indemnity contracts, the amount payable by the insurance company is subject to the amount of actual loss. Some indemnity contracts also have a provision for the claim to be paid only if the actual loss exceeds a certain amount. For example, in an auto insurance contract of 3000 dollars, you would be eligible for the claim amount only if your actual loss exceeds 3000 dollars. In case, the actual loss amount is below 3000 dollars, you would be liable to bear all the costs.

Insurable Interest

In this insurance cover, the insurance contract covers only those properties or events specified at the time of investment. For example, if you live in your uncles house and apply for a homeowners insurance, the insurance company will reject the claim, since you are not the owner of the property and do not suffer any personal financial loss in case the house gets damaged.

Principle of Subrogation

The principle of subrogation enables the insured to claim the amount from the third party responsible for the loss. It allows the insurer to pursue legal methods to recover the amount of loss, which the company has paid the insured via the insurance claim. For example, if you get injured in a road accident, due to reckless driving of a third party, the insurance company will compensate your loss and will also sue the third party to recover the money paid as claim.

Doctrine of utmost good faith

This means that both the parties are expected to disclose any information, important to the contract. For example, when applying for life insurance, it is your duty to disclose any permanent ailments that you might have. Likewise, your insurer also is expected to be clear on the illnesses that are not covered under the contract.

Once you become familiar with the principles, you will be able to understand the scope of your insurance contract. This makes you independent of the insurance advisor.

Joe Kenny writes for the UK Personal Loan Store and offer more information on UK debt consolidation loans and other loan topics available on site.Leger Blog75620
Euclide Blog70551

Housework With Toddlers - Here Comes Trouble!

It's so interesting that once our babies start toddling around, creating a lot more mess in their insatiably curious and neverending activity, we expect ourselves to have a perfectly tidy home. When your baby was younger you probably imagined that once she started sleeping through the night and playing independently you would get a handle on the chores. Surprise!

Mothering a toddler is fun but constant vigilance. Not only are you concerned with her physical safety but you are rightly concerned with her emotional health as well. You want to have fun and play with your little one but as an adult, you have a need for some order. What to do? Here are some tips that have worked for many other Moms.

Rethink Housework & Define Your Minimums

Try to lower your standards a bit. If your house could pass the white glove test before you had kids and you try to keep up that standard now, you could drive yourself nuts.

If you have a lot of trouble doing this, then think for a moment about why. Are you trying to live up to someone else's idea of what your house should look like? Are you worried about what your mother, mother in law or neighbors might think? In any case, if you're feeling judged, take a look at that and decide what's more important to you. Do you want a perfect home or do you want to have a happy toddler whose Mommy has time to play?

Decide what is important to you and figure out how to do those tasks as quickly and easily as possible. For instance, you may hate to feel dirt under your feet when you walk across the floors but a little dust doesn't bother you. Keeping that chore done consistently will make the house feel clean to you.

Make Some Lists

Grab a sheet of paper and decide which chores can be skipped, which chores can be simplified, and which chores you can get help with. Is it really essential to fold underwear or can they be placed neatly in a drawer? Can socks be tossed into a drawer and the wearer match them himself? It is really necessary to separate all the kid's laundry or can most things be washed together?

Clear out clutter as much as possible. Clutter makes housework more difficult, time consuming and downright dangerous (like when you are tripping over things in the basement or having items fall on your head in closets). Go through your house with a large trash bag on a regular basis and throw things out if they don't make you smile when you look at them. Donate it to charity and feel good about yourself!

I Helped!

Your toddler can do a surprising number of household chores and will probably be delighted to imitate you. When you dust, hand her a microfiber dusting cloth and let her "help". Toddlers love to splash their hands in water. Maybe she could "wash dishes" in the sink next to you. She may not be so great at folding laundry, but can she dig out all the socks and put them in a pile for you? Perhaps she can help unload the dishwasher by handing you the spoons and forks. At this stage, the point is not to have her doing chores but rather to keep her happy and close while you get some work done.

Can you hire out some of the household chores? Don't dismiss this right away. If your budget is slim, you might know a teenager who is in need of some extra cash who could come over and help you out. Or maybe you would be willing to forego a dinner out here and there to pay for an occasional housekeeper.

Make Cleaning Convenient

Keep non toxic cleaning products and tools handy so that when you have a moment or two, you can go a quick task.

When your toddler is in the bathtub you have to be in the bathroom to supervise her anyway. Why not clean the floor, sink and toilet while you're in there? Baking soda sprinkled in the sink and toilet will scrub effectively and sweeten the air too. For an inexpensive multi purpose cleaner that you can use around little ones: fill a 32 ounce spray bottle with water, and add a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid.

Keep It Fun

Make picking up a game by asking your child to "find all the red things and put them into the toy bin". Or have them pick up 5 things then come find you for a great big bear hug or tickle. You can also plan something fun after cleaning to create a natural incentive to get things done. "As soon as we pick up all the toys, it will be time to go to the playground!" Kids respond well to quick cleaning sessions. The "10 second tidy" where everyone picks up and puts away as quickly as possible work well. And the effect is lost on me, but a lot of kids love to sing the Barney clean up song when they're tidying.

Life with little ones around is a bit like using spaghetti for bookends: fun but certainly messy. Enjoy it while it lasts!

Somehow, Carrie Lauth of found the time to write this article in the midst of picking up after 4 little ones.Gauss Blog36886
Fred Blog7129

Carpet Cleaning Tips For Your Home

To keep your rugs looking clean and fresh there are a few carpet cleaning tips you can use to insure a long life. Stain cleaners and odor eliminators may have a specific use, and if used incorrectly can actually damage your carpets.

One of the best carpet cleaning tips is to thoroughly vacuum your rugs on a weekly basis. To do this effectively, a high-power vacuum cleaner needs to be passed slowly over the entire carpet. No matter how strong a suction that is provided, passing it too quickly will not pick up all the dirt.

Divide the carpet into fourths, cleaning one section at a time before moving to the next section, operating the vacuum both ways until cleaned. These carpet cleaning tips will remove practically all the dirt, which can cause damage to the fibers of the carpet.

Stain removal is another situation where good carpet cleaning tips can come in handy. Many people make the mistake of using a soap-based cleaner and too much liquid on stains. This actually may allow the stain to return or create new ones. Soap-based cleaners, once dry, will still offer a degree of cleaning, this time to shoes and other products with which it comes into contact.

Some Cleaners Help Stain Re-emerge

The soap will remove dirt from the shoes, leaving it on the carpet. Liquid cleaners, used in excess, will allow the stain to soak into the bottom of the carpet or even into the pad underneath. The stain may appear to be gone, but the liquid will be soaked up from underneath and will probably make the stain reappear. Carpet Cleaning Tips rely on cleaning the carpet and not trying to clean it from underneath.

Liquid spills should be blotted with a towel immediately. Otherwise, they could be soaked into the bottom of the rug. Pet urine can be especially damaging to carpets as it can cause the color dyes to be removed, leaving a bleached-out spot. A solution of one teaspoon of mild detergent and one teaspoon of white vinegar mixed with a quarter of water can help eliminate the stain.

Most carpet cleaning tips involve not rubbing the stain, which can spread the spot and make it bigger, rather blot the stain. By using a clean towel, place it over the spot and either stand on it for a few seconds or place a heavy object on it to soak up as much of the liquid as possible. For specific carpet cleaning tips for a variety of situations visit

For more information on carpet cleaning from Matthew Meyer see the carpet cleaning section of directory at:Cigare Blog83552
Jessica Blog42627

R - Z Of Essential Oils

R-Z Of Essential Oils

Rose (Rosa damascena)

Properties - Antidepressant, aphrodisiac, liver tonic, menstrual regulator, rejuvenator and a sedative.
Good For - Rose oil is reputed to have an affinity with the female reproductive system, helping to regulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate PMS or post-natal depression. It is also a powerful antiseptic against viruses and bacteria, and regulates the appetite and prevents and relieves, digestive spasms, constipation and nausea . Effective on dry skin.
Blends Well With - Frankincense, geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli, patchouli and sandalwood.
Mood - Uplifting.
How To Use - Inhalation, cream and in the bath.
Cautions - Avoid in pregnancy.

Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis)

Properties - Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, soothes nerves, stimulant and a tonic.
Good For - Because of its stimulating qualities rosemary oil may be used to combat mental and physical fatigue. It is current in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia as a specific for 'depressive states with general debility and indications of cardiovascular weakness'
Blends Well With - basil, lavender, lemon, peppermint, pine and sandalwood.
Mood - Invigorating.
How To Use - Inhalation, creams, compress and bath.
Cautions - Avoid in pregnancy or if epileptic

Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Good For - Fever, appetite stimulant and easing joint pain.
Blends Well With -
Mood - Astringent, cooling.
How To Use - Inhalation and massage
Cautions - Use with care, contains thujone which is an oral toxin. Do not use if pregnant, epileptic or have high blood pressure. A milder alternative is Clary Sage

Sandalwood (Santalum album)

Properties - Anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, relaxing, respiratory clearing, sensual and soothing.
Good For - The fragrance of sandalwood oil can help lift depression and banish feelings of anxiety and lack of sexual desire. It is also effective for respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, dry coughs and sore throats. Sandalwood encourages skin rejuvenation and has been used for wound healing, dry or chapped skin, acne and psoriasis
Blends Well With - Bergamot, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, juniper, lavender, rose and ylang ylang.
Mood - Relaxing, soothing and sensual.
How To Use - Inhalation, creams, compress and bath.
Cautions - None

Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Properties - Antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, immuno-stimulant, stimulating.
Good For - Tea tree essential oil can be used for a wide range of skin problems, such as athletes foot, acne, burns, cold sores, dandruff, insect bites warts and infected wounds. Has also been used for colds, flu, and other infectious illnesses such as chicken pox
Blends Well With - Clary sage, clove, lavender, nutmeg, rosemary and ylang ylang.
Mood - Cleansing
How To Use - Inhalation, creams, compress and bath.
Cautions - May irritate sensitive skin.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

Properties - Antidepressant, antibacterial, diuretic and warming.
Good For - Thyme essential oil is an antiseptic and antibiotic, disinfectant and strong germicidal, it is valuable for all infections, especially gastric and bladder infections. Its anti-rheumatic and anti-toxic properties are beneficial in treating arthritis, gout and cellulite. Thyme stimulates the immune system to effectively fight off colds, flu and catarrh
Blends Well With - Bergamot, chamomile, eucalyptus, juniper, lavender, lemon, marjoram, rosemary, sage and tea tree.
Mood - Uplifting
How To Use - Bath and Inhalation
Cautions - Avoid during pregnancy. Use in small doses.


Properties - Calming therefore useful in cases of anxiety, shocks, stress and tension
Good For - Used to to ease aches and pains, cramp and stiffness
Mood - Relaxing
How To Use - Inhalation, bath and massage
Cautions - None

Ylang Ylang (Canaga odorata)

Good For - Used to slow fast breathing (hyperpnea) and for palpitations of the heart, tachycardia, and to lower blood pressure. Reported to balance the hormone, stimulate the thymus gland, and is used for the reproductive system as a tonic for the uterus and to provide a feeling of warmth and togetherness. Also used to balance diabetes. Ylang Ylang is reported to be beneficial in firming the breasts. It is renowned for its aphrodisiac and antidepressant qualities, and as such is used for impotence and frigidity. It provides an antiseptic action to the intestines to aid in infection and diarrhoea. Ylang Ylang balances sebum production and therefore finds application for both oily and dry skin. It was used by the native population of Comoros to stimulate the scalp promoting a more luxurious hair growth. It is also used for acne, insect bites and as a fragrance.
Blends Well With -
Mood - Calming and sensual
How To Use - Inhalation, creams, bath and massage.
Cautions - avoid use on sensitive or damaged skin, use very highly diluted

Author: Heidi McGowanLarine Blog46831
Emma Blog49463

Buying Christmas Gifts For Teacher

With Christmas fast approaching, one of the people that should be in your gift list is your teacher, especially your favorite teacher. Although it may be considered tacky to give gifts to your professors as some may see it as a form of bribery; you can still give gifts as long as they are not too expensive.

It is one way of showing teachers that you appreciate the efforts that they are making in teaching you what you need to learn. Below are some gift ideas for teachers that they will surely appreciate.

1. Cake and pastries

Who doesnt want to be given cake and pastries? This is a wonderful holiday gift especially if you are going to have it designed in festive colors and figures. Of course, before you bake the cake or before you buy one, do some research and ask around for your teachers favorite flavor. Does she love chocolate cake or is more partial to mocha or mango? Does she like cakes or does she prefer cookies or tarts? It is often good to do some digging. It shows that you care enough to spend time in research.

2. Fruits

Apples have long been associated with gifts for teachers. Well, you can do better than that by giving them a basket of fruits that they can take to the faculty room or to their homes. Include fruits that are not so usual to lend it a more unique feel. Make sure that the fruits are fresh and ripe.

3. Turkey, Ham and other Holiday feast

Another great gift that you can give your teachers are turkey, ham or any food that they can serve in their dinner table come Holiday. You can either roast them yourself or buy one from the corner store.

4. Greeting Cards

Even as simple as a Christmas greeting card is enough to make your teacher smile. There are cheap cards available in bookstores that you can use. If you dont have the money to spend for ready made Holiday cards, you can always make your own greetings cards.

In fact, they will better appreciate a handmade card because they know that it is something that you spent time and effort on. Besides, it is a great way to exercise your creativity and artistry plus of course some vocabulary!

5. Chocolates

Chocolates work their magic every time. One great time to buy lots of chocolates at really low prices is after Halloween when stores organize sale of leftover candies and chocolates from Halloween Trick or Treating.

Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.Digital Blog94637
Gauss Blog87916

Why Is Drug Rehab Insurance Coverage Part of Mental Health Bill?

Alcohol or drug abuse affects 25 million Americans; only four million get treatment

The need in this country for increased insurance coverage for alcohol and drug addiction treatment is indisputable. Drug rehab and drug detox have little or no recognition among health insurers, yet drug addiction is a major cause of ruined lives, family violence, emergency room visits, and death. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, alcohol and drug addiction also cost America $77 billion each year in lost productivity. Clearly something needs to be done to make it easier for addicts to get alcohol and drug rehab.

But the question that leaps out when one reads the Paul Wellstone Mental Health Equitable Treatment Act, H.R. 1402, is this: is substance abuse and addiction mental illness?

The proposed Wellstone bill, H.R. 1402, would require insurance companies to treat addiction and other mental health disorders on an equal basis with other chronic diseases, such as diabetes or hypertension.

The Wellstone bill is being sponsored by U.S. Reps. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) and Jim Ramstad (R-Minn). Kennedy has said that we should . . . end the discrimination against those with mental health and substance abuse disorders. And Ramstad said Congress should . . . end the discrimination against people with mental illness and chemical dependency.

Where is this idea coming from that people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder are in the same category as alcohol or drug abuse, including those inadvertently got hooked on addictive prescription drugs. Is it possible that they are not mentally ill that they simply need drug detox and drug rehab?

For example, was Justice William H. Rhenquist of the Supreme Court mentally ill because he was hooked on powerful painkillers for a decade before he entered drug rehab? Youd have a tough time convincing college law professors or anyone on the Supreme Court that we should go back and cancel 10 years of brilliant and insightful decisions and opinions the ones that later got Rhenquist appointed Chief Justice because he was mentally ill.

Or what about one of Americas most famous, prolific and successful writers who for decades was either drunk or wired on cocaine, Xanax, Valium, NyQuil, cough medicines, or marijuana? Was Stephen King mentally ill when he wrote several intricately plotted, best-seller blockbuster novels? We never heard anything about mental illness when King went into drug rehab in the 1980s. And hes been sober ever since.

And lets not forget that Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, was a habitual cocaine abuser who sang the drugs praises for years to anyone who would listen. After a friend died of an overdose, he abruptly gave it up and quit promoting it not the action one expects from someone who is mentally ill.

The so-called mental health parity bills such as the Wellstone bill have always failed to pass and theres been a lot of attempts over the decades. Aside from the huge lobbying efforts against it by the insurance industry, perhaps people also feel deep down that substance abuse and mental illness are not the same thing at all and do not belong together in a such a bill.

The mental health industry, as its known today, receives billions of tax dollars every year in grants and other forms of support. In comparison, appropriations for alcohol and drug rehab are a drop in the bucket. Yet untreated dependency and addiction are costing us $77billion in lost productivity - more than heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined, and far more than mental illness.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, nearly 25 million Americans suffer from a substance abuse problem. And less than four million of these victims receive the drug rehab they need.

If we really want to do something about this situation, we need to separate these two issues and get each of them into their own proposed legislation. That way we may have a better chance to get the insurance industry up to speed on helping the millions of Americans who are not mentally ill, and who too often need financial help getting into and through a successfuldrug rehab program.

Rod MacTaggart is a Florida based freelance writer who contributes articles on health.Eymard Blog13252
Lonni Blog21074

Explore Adventurous Lake TahoeRealize Home at Vacation Rentals

Enthrall the adventurous Lake Tahoeround the year. In summer, unveil the blue mystery of the limpid lake with exciting waterskiing, wakeboarding, kayaking, swimming, canoeing, jet skiing, paddle boating and fishing. Explore the lure of land with hiking and mountain biking. And in winter, enjoy skiing at several world renowned ski-resorts. You can enjoy snowboarding, snowmobiling, snowshoeing during winter in Lake Tahoe as well. Furthermore, all you can do without missing your home, as Lake Tahoe vacation rentals offer you to relish vacation with a homely feeling.

Located on the border of California and Nevada, Lake Tahoe attracts tourist round the year. Tranquil waters of Lake Tahoe, enchanting environment and a lot of excitements have made the place one of the famous tourist destinations. And at vacation rental abodes, vacations can be enjoyable with sheer comfort and privacy.

As vacation rental abodes, many villas, apartments, bungalows are rented by travelers. At these dwellings, travelers can enchant their holidays in their own way. Available in various sizes and at different ranges, vacation rentals residences in Lake Tahoe are able to meet all sorts of travelers requirements. From one bedroom to fifteen-sixteen bedrooms, travelers can access manifold condos within their budget.

All possible necessary equipments are catered at the vacation rentals condominiums. Every vacation rental has a kitchen, adorned with all kitchen accessories, living room (s), outfitted with modern amenities, dining hall, swimming pool, television etc. Even more, at the vacation condos, you can avail telephone and the internet service as well.

If you want to cherish your holiday seeing the amazement of Lake Tahoe, then choose your vacation rentals that are close to the lake. Playing with the waves by ridding a wakeboard, seeing sunrise and sunset lying on your private porch, sleeping listing to the roar of the wave, all you can do here. Or, if the adventure of skiing is your main preference, then staying at the vacation sky-in and sky-out homes will be the best option for you.

However, depending on the facility, location, and size, the rate of Lake Tahoe vacation rental homes varies. Generally, to get vacation resorts at a cheaper rate, travelers should look for different options. They can opt for property dealers, travel companies or local property owners. Availing a combo package is also a good option. These combo packages include plane fare, accommodation and car rental cost together, with which travelers can enjoy a cost effective vacation trip. So, what are you waiting for? Head into Lake Tahoe, have fun and realize your home at vacation rentals abodes.

Sylvestor Johnson is offering loan and rental advice for quite some time. He is working as financial consultant for ThinkRentals. To find Lake Tahoe vacation rentals, Apartment rentals, Cabin rentals, Condo rentals, Rental homes, Vacation rentals at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit http://www.thinkrentals.comCascades Blog24346
Aztecs Blog98896

Find A Better Way With The Berry Tree Business Opportunity!

Discover how members are paying off all of their credit card debt... taking vacations... sending their children to any college they chose... building a retirement nest egg...

quitting their jobs... and most of all, having the free time and money to enjoy life!

Everyone is searching for a better way. A better way to live and a better way to earn a living. Most of us are tired of working long hours, and never seeming to get ahead. Most of us

are living from paycheck to paycheck while struggling to pay the bills.

What if you knew of a way to earn a percentage of thousands of people? There is a program out there that guarantees just that!

Making money from home has little to do with experience, financial status or background and has everything to do with having the right system!

You may be reading this article, because like me you have a desire to spend more time with your family, make more money and just enjoy more of what life has to offer.

If you have tried to make money online before, then I guarantee that you have never seen anything like what I am about to show you.

I am going to show you how simple and easy it actually can be to earn a living from home using your computer.

So what exactly is this program that I am talking about?

The Berry Tree is a new division being offered by Nutronix International, an established, 7-year debt free company. It was created to fill a need in the marketplace. Many people are looking for a program they don't have to personally work at.

This is virtually a 100% automated program. Part of every membership is used for guaranteed advertising to bring in new members and customers. The more members we have the more advertising dollars we have. This ensures continual growth.

The Berry Tree is a patent pending plan that will revolutionize the network marketing industry. Specifically to you it will provide an additional revenue stream for doing exactly what you are already doing, without additional work on your part. You will be able to double, triple even quadruple your earnings simply by having an active BerryTree account.

Since The Berry Tree will grow very similarly to a matrix, the higher positions are the most valuable.

So what is the product offered by The Berry Tree?

It's O2 Choral Calcium, and much, much more...

The Facts:

"More than 1 in 5 Americans unknowingly drink tap water polluted with feces, radiation or other contaminants Nearly 1,000 deaths each year and at least 400,000 cases of waterborne illness may be attributed to contaminated water" - The New York Times - June 2, 1995

Mineralize: You can clean your water with O2 (The New Berry Flavor Makes It Great Tasting, Even For Kids!). Every Sachet of O2 contains calcium, magnesium, and over 70 trace minerals. These essential minerals (electrolytes) become ionic in water allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily by your body.

O2 is delivered in a pure ionic form, which means it is immediately bioavailable to the body. O2 may also help your body to:

* Combat arthritis and heart disease
* Cleanse the kidneys, intestines, and liver
* Protect your body from free radical cell damage
* Increase muscle and joint mobility
* Increase your oxygen levels
* Control digestive problems
* Regulate blood sugar
* Manage blood pressure
* Neutralize harmful acids that lead to illness
* Help in fighting the battle against cancer and other diseases
* Assimilate vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat and the supplements you take Revitalize:

Alkalinity = good health. O2 transforms your water into a powerful alkaline beverage, which fights against the physical stress caused by today's fast-paced lifestyles.It takes 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the acid from one 12 oz. soda. Each time you drink acidic soda, coffee, tea, and energy drinks your body uses its own buffers (from bone and dna) to raise the body's alkalinity to maintain your healthy blood pH level of 7.35-7.45.

Transform your water! Make O2 your daily source for hydration and refreshment! It's as easy as 1-2-3!

Step 1: Drop a O2 sachet ("teabag") in 18-24 ounces of purified or bottled water.
Step 2: Shake for 10-15 seconds
Step 3: Allow 5 minutes for O2 to transform your water before drinking

So how do you make money with The Berry Tree?

With their Patent-Pending Payment Plan!

There are Six ways to earn with The Berry Tree

1. The Tree Filled by enroll date
2. Multiple Profit Centers - Automatically allows you to double or triple your check!
3. Fast Start* - Earn $27.00 on personal referrals
4. Leadership Bonuses* Allows you to earn on every member in the company
5. Customer Orders* - Earn 30% on Customers
6. Passive Income Bonus* Even more ways to earn

When you enroll, you get your own Tree. A portion of your membership each month goes to advertising to enroll new members. Your Tree Automatically Builds under you.

This is NOT a traditional business, which requires you to make a large investment in the program or product inventory! In many traditional business structures, the people at the top make most of the money. With The Berry Tree; even if you're not at the top, you can earn a share of the sales of the whole company!

Other programs usually require you to enroll friends and family to succeed, or set up and manage the marketing of your own business. The Berry Tree is different! Our integrated marketing system uses the same avenues that large corporations use to sell their products and services to build your business for you.

For just pennies a day you can participate in a unique and powerful system that shares growth among members and guarantees that most members will start seeing payments within their first couple of months in the business.

No matter what your experience, or background this business may just be what you are looking for. It will work for anyone and everyone.

Joe Rispoli has been involved with Network Marketing for over 10 years. Get the absolute best postion available in the BerryTree right now, right here at: http://www.TheBerryTreeTour.comKirbee Blog80267
Baudouin Blog80713

The Right Writing Desk Will Show Off Your Sense Of Interior Design

Writing desks have been a center of decor in the home for many many years. Both decorative and functional, writing desks are some of the more versatile furnishings and an ideal enhancement to the home decor and living room furniture. Quality contemporary writing desks, however, are also functional but tend to be more artistic than their predecessors. Special glass, marble, and even complex materials are fairly familiar on the writing desk tops of high quality modern writing desks. These specialized building materials are sturdy, very versatile, and modern. Standard building materials used to construct the legs and bases of contemporary writing desks are aluminum, chrome, and copper. Great for everything your friends or family might use it for.

A few present designers like to replace a quality writing desk for a similar arrangement. Rather than give up choice real estate in the middle of room, it has become a bit of a trend to fill up the place. Alternatively, try out a writing desk. At best, many attempt to find alternatives for a high quality writing desk. At worst, the essential decorative outcome is disorganized and messy and no clear focal point materializes in the room. A writing desk, however, is designed to help bring together the space surrounding the room and give the room a natural spot to focus on. Both modern and traditional writing desks are now available using online shopping, allowing consumers a fantastic channel for finding the very best writing desk for their home's style.

As we can all see, the bulk of homes are put together leaving little space for the unconventionally shaped piece of furniture. More often than not, people are forced to work on the dining table or couch. However, a secretary desk seems to perform very nicely to rectify that problem. In little places, a writing desk eradicates the boundaries to effectiveness created by heavy modern furniture, providing necessary constructive space that can squeeze in and out of tighter areas. This added space is cherished, in particular when kids are around since they love to help you with just about anything.

When you take the time to truly consider the range extensive of compelling writing desks in furniture outlets now days, you could be tempted to conclude that you have walked onto a set of a Stanley Kubrick movie. Some of these contemporary writing desks are made entirely from glass and still others feature an interesting marriage of metal and other various complex materials. What you're probably not going to get, whether you are shopping on the Internet or in a conventional furniture store, is the typical old drab writing desk from your parent's living room!

Jennifer Akre, owner of numerous sites specializing in Writing Desks, Secretary Desks, and home decor, makes it easy to find a contemporary or modern or the perfect Secretary Desk. Learn how to decorate your living room and den in style-Click Today: Blog49463
Isis Blog80372

I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Sicily Region

If you are looking for fine Italian wine and food, consider the Sicily region of southern Italy. You may find a bargain, and I hope that youll have fun on this fact-filled wine education tour.

Sicily is the football kicked by the Italian boot. It is an island in the Mediterranean Sea located off the southwest tip of Italy. Sicily was first inhabited about ten thousand years ago. Agriculture and animal raising date back well over four thousand years. Its rulers have included the Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Normans, Germans, and Spaniards, among others. This mountainous region is prone to volcanoes and earthquakes; in 1908 an earthquake and subsequent tidal wave killed eighty thousand people in the coastal city of Messina. Sicilys population is about five million, with an additional ten million people of Sicilian descent around the world.

Agricultural products include wheat, barley, corn, olives, citrus fruit, almonds, and, of course, grapes. Tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers are prominent in local cuisine. Sicily is Italys second region for organic food. Many think that the Arabs introduced pasta to Sicily, which subsequently introduced it to the rest of Italy. Cattle, mules, donkeys, and sheep are raised. Sicily claims to have invented meatballs, The seas surrounding Sicily are bountiful, favorites include sardines, tuna, and swordfish. Sicily is famous for desserts, including frozen treats made with snow from Mount Etna.

Sicilian heavy industry includes petro-chemicals, chemicals, mining, and electronics. Tourism is a major factor in the Sicilian economy. Did you know that the Valle dei Templi in Agrigento on the Mediterranean Sea has some of the finest Greek ruins on earth?

Palermo, arguably the worlds most conquered city, is Sicilys capital with a population of a little under seven hundred thousand. It is a definite tourist destination, with its numerous historical churches, museums, theaters, and Italys largest botanical garden. Another urban tourist destination is Syracuse, dating back to Ancient Greece. The Greek writer Cicero described it as The greatest Greek city and the most beautiful of them all. Both earthquakes and World War II caused heavy damage, but many of the most interesting sites have been reconstructed.

Sicily devotes about a third of a million acres to grapevines, it ranks first among the 20 Italian regions. Its total annual wine production is about 213 million gallons, also giving it first place. If Sicily were an independent country, it would rank seventh in the world for wine production. About 54% of its wine production is red or ros (only a bit of ros), leaving 46% for white. The region produces 19 DOC wines. DOC stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, which may be translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin, presumably a high-quality wine. Only a little more than 2% of Sicilian wine carries the DOC designation. Sicily is home to over three dozen major and secondary grape varieties, with more white than red varieties.

Widely grown international white grape varieties include Malvasia and to a lesser extent, Chardonnay. The best-known strictly Italian white varieties are Catarratto, Grecanico, Inzolia, and Grillo. The first three of these varieties are blended in the wine reviewed below.

Widely grown international red grape varieties include Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot. The best-known strictly Italian red varieties are Nero dAvola, Frappato, and Nerello Mascalese.

Before reviewing the Sicilian wine and cheese that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region.

Start with Insalata di Finocchi, Arance Sanguigne de Olive; Fennel, Blood Orange, and Olive Salad.

As a second course try Pollo con Prosciutto e Melanzane Fritte; Braised Chicken with Proscuitto and Fried Eggplants.

For dessert indulge yourself with Cassata; Candied Fruit and Chocolate on Sponge Cake.

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY While we have communicated with well over a thousand Italian wine producers and merchants to help prepare these articles, our policy is clear. All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed

Tasca dAlmerita Regaleali Blanco 2005 IGT Sicilia 12.5% alcohol about $13

Well start by quoting the marketing materials. Made with the local grapes Inzolia, Greciano, and Catarratto, this wine is matured only in stainless steel and is not put through acid-softening malolactic fermentation. The producer chooses this approach to retain the bright fruitiness and racy crispness of the wine. Enjoy with steamed mussels, chicken or summer salads. And now for my thoughts on the wine.

I first tasted this wine with broiled chicken burgers accompanied by a hot pepper relish, and red peppers. The wine was light, perhaps a bit intimidated by the relish. It was delicate, but not weak. When I finished my glass with the red peppers, the wine was quite fruity and sweet.

I next tried this wine with fillet of sole poached in an onion sauce, accompanied by brown rice and okra in a tomato sauce. The wine tasted light and citrusy in the presence of the fish, and was more powerful when facing the rice and the okra. I finished that meal with fresh pomegranate. The wine became sweet and acidic, but did not take on new flavors.

Isola is a Sicilian fresh cheese made from sheeps milk. The Isola cheese was powerful, strong smelling and strong tasting, especially when you crunched into a peppercorn. Unfortunately, the cheese overpowered this relatively light wine. In contrast, when paired with an Asiago cheese from northern Italy, the wine became quite full bodied and fruity. Sometimes rules such as local wines with local cheeses are meant to be broken. I had a bit of wine left over and finished the bottle with out-of-season strawberries. They brought out the wines complexity and softness.

Final verdict, in spite of its low official rating, I found the wine pretty good. I would buy it again, but avoid pairing it with strong-tasting food.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. His wine website is Blog89821
Leeanne Blog73247

Pay Less For iPods

The buzzword in today's society is "wireless." Everything and everyone is on the go. It's not uncommon for the older generations to comment that the younger generation cannot live or stay by themselves for a long period of time. This would seem to be true, considering that almost everyone seems to be wearing a pair of earphones and are listening to their favorite music tracks, or watching videos on their portable players. It seems as though today's generation is dependent on the new technology.

One of the most popular wireless devices on the market today is the Apple iPod. Its popularity is due to its small size, which makes it easily portable. Additionally it is no longer necessary to bring a CD, cassette tape, or other media outside the player itself. However, with this convenience comes a shortcoming. IPods are quite expensive, often impracticably so. It is due to this high price that the iPod is so universally sought as a status symbol, while simultaneously floating just outside the reach of many people's finances.

For many people, daily life simply does not permit indiscriminate spending. Since these gadgets are not the first priority for most people, they remain in the possession of a relatively small number of people. For the rich and the more financially affluent, this want is not a problem. But for those with tighter budgets it becomes necessary to look for alternate solutions in order to obtain an iPod.

For those who want to have an iPod but don't have the budget to support the purchase of one, there are places where iPods can be purchased more cheaply. These cheap iPods are not copies, imitations, or fakes. These cheaper iPods were most likely built using cheaper materials or may not offer the same special features. The cheapest model currently available is the 512-megabyte iPod shuffle. This device can hold up to 120 songs at an average of 4 minutes per song. This can provide 8 hours of continuous music before repeating a song. This model runs around $70.

That is the cheapest iPod currently offered and as one would expect, the price varies according to the memory capacity of the iPod. Though they are all iPods, the quantity of memory contained can be different from model to model. Some have bigger memories that allow them to save more songs, while others have a smaller memory to allow them to be built smaller and less expensively. A simple rule of thumb is that the bigger the memory capacity, the more expensive it is going to be. If the only criteria are to have a device that is portable, can play music, and wears the iPod name, the cheapest iPod is probably going to be the best solution.

Remember, 120 songs is nothing to sneeze at for an iPod this small. Taking into consideration the comfort, convenience, and enjoyment it will bring, the price is not outrageous. Instead of spending too much on a bigger iPod than is really needed, the smaller version can fill the need while leaving a sizeable portion of money left-over to be spent on more important things. For this reason it is recommended to consider seriously the cheaper models of iPod.

The next rung up in the ladder of cheap iPods is another iPod shuffle. Like it's smaller brother, it is not as big as the other iPods that are available but it still plays the same music. There really isn't much of a difference beyond the memory capacity. The next larger iPod shuffles is still considered to be a cheap iPods, but it has a much larger capacity of 1GB.

While this may not seem like much, it can still allow a significant number of favorite hits to be stored. Since it has a bigger memory compared to the smaller model, it is also more expensive. This cheap iPod can store up to 240 songs, double of that of the cheapest iPod. This simply goes to prove the saying, "You get what you pay for."

Fortunately it isn't necessary to pay too much simply to be entertained. The iPod shuffle provides that entertainment, but it doesn't carry an unreasonable price tag. Weighing in at around 100 dollars, the 1GB iPod can fit most budgets. While it carries more songs than the 512MB version, the physical appearance of these iPods is the same. These are the cheapest iPods available on the market.

William Moore contributes to several web sites, including and http://kytol.comJean Michel Blog58256
Larine Blog46831

Leaving On A Jet Plane? Business Etiquette To Go

Business travel is often a necessity whether you work for a Fortune 500 company or own a small home based business. Only so much business can be conducted by telephone, e-mail, computer and fax. There will come a day when you need to travel for business and how you conduct yourself will make all the difference in determining your success in getting that new client or sealing the deal.

Always remember that you are representing your company during your entire journey, starting and ending with your trip to and from the airport. Be considerate to airline personnel, hotel porters, restaurant employees and anyone else you meet on your trip. You never know when someone you meet may be related to the CEO of your client company or when someone you treat badly makes a formal complaint to your employer. Stay on your best behavior when you are traveling and you will build relationships that can impact the bottom line. As a bonus you will enjoy your trip a lot more when you treat others with courtesy and kindness.

After your travel reservations are made do some research. Start by studying the customs and culture of your destination if you are visiting a foreign country or by reading an online newspaper from the US city where you will be staying. Use the internet to select a restaurant for wining and dining your client, and make reservations ahead of time. Refresh your memory on the basics of introductions, table manners and gift giving before you leave home.

If you are traveling with someone else, ask that you be seated next to your business associates on the airplane. Sitting together will ensure you keep your conversations confidential and other passengers will appreciate not having to listen to you talk across an aisle or over the seat. Avoid alcohol on the airplane and during your entire trip. Traveling is not an excuse to indulge in alcoholic beverages and your boss will not appreciate being billed for your overindulgence or hearing about your wild antics on the plane.

Prior to traveling familiarize yourself with the gift giving etiquette of the company you are visiting. Be aware that many corporations and government offices have strict rules about accepting gifts. Call the company receptionist or the secretary of the person you will meet with on your trip to inquire about the company guidelines and ask for suggestions if a gift is appropriate.

Use technology sparingly in order to show respect for those around you. Make use of earphones with your laptop or hand held gadgets. Turn your cell phone off while flying and when attending a meeting. If you do have to take a call, let others know ahead of time and leave the meeting when the call comes in.

Be punctual for all of your meetings and dress professionally. Leave your casual clothes for evenings and weekends when you won't be spending time with your client. Plan on keeping yourself occupied on off hours and do not expect your client to entertain you. If you are invited to a casual meal or other activity on off hours, feel free to accept but pay attention to your attire. Even if your host suggests that you dress casually, keep in mind that you are still doing business and make sure you keep the "business" in "business casual."

Refrain from discussing inappropriate issues while traveling such as religion, politics and your latest surgery. Respond respectfully when asked your opinion on sticky subjects then move on quickly to another topic. If anyone, including a client, begins to bash Americans, do not take offense. Tell them you understand how they might feel that way and change the subject. Client meetings are no place to advance your personal causes or opinions.

When you return to your office, send a handwritten thank you note immediately. Let your client know how much you appreciate their hospitality and how much you enjoyed your trip. A handwritten note is much more personal than a hastily sent e-mail.

Paying careful attention to your business etiquette while traveling may help you achieve that promotion you have wanted, seal that deal you have been working on for months or enhance the otherwise lukewarm client relationship. You may not have control over your travel schedule, where your luggage ends up or the clients you need to meet, but you do have total control of your own behavior and your personal attitude By minding your business manners your trip will be pleasant, productive and profitable.

(c) 2007, Lydia Ramsey. All rights reserved. Reprint rights granted so long as article and by-line are published intact and with all links made live.

Lydia Ramsey is a business etiquette expert, professional speaker, corporate trainer and author. Learn from Lydia by using her four LIVE business etiquette broadcasts on DVD or by reading her newest book "Lydia Ramsey's Little Book of Table Manners". You can purchase these business etiquette tools at Blog71264
Germain Blog40156

What You Should Know About Online Education Certificates

The major bone of contention worldwide confronting online education is distance education online certificates. The certificate is what youre given at the end of the course or programme to show that you attended the course. The certificate unfortunately is what our society and prospective employers will use to judge your competence. The certificate is needed to show that youre educated and therefore qualified to attain any political office in the land. This and other reasons are why much importance is attached to getting certificates at the end of your educational pursuit.

However, its been discovered that distance education online certificates is no longer to be trusted. Many employers are skeptical and are denying good and reliable graduates from online institutions employment. And the reason is not far fetched. A search for free online education certificate at google will justify what Im telling you. There are so many online institutions out there offering free certificates. And you better not be fooled by this. These certificates, for sure are not genuine. Rather than help you, earning free certificate will spell doom for your career.

Most of the institutions offering these free certificates do send bulk mails to people all over the internet soliciting for enrollment. I have received a couple in my mailbox and often dont waste time deleting them immediately the subject shows its from one of the bogus online institutions out there. None of the reputable online institutions offering genuine certificates send out mails all over the web. Youll only receive their mail if you request for more information from them.

The only sure means of getting genuine distance education online certificates is to attend fully accredited universities or colleges. You wont have problem with prospective employers. These employers know the good and reliable online institutions on the internet and therefore cannot be fooled. Certificates from any good and reliable schools such as The university of South Africa, The open University and so on will mark you out. The employers know that youve undergone a lot of strict training before being given the certificates of these schools. And also, they have a means of detecting whether its a downloaded certificate or not. Moreover, the employers can easily and quickly verify your certificates from any of these institutions.

If you want that dream home of yours, if you desire to achieve that financial status youve dreamt of, make sure that you get genuine distance education online certificates from reputable and reliable online institutions.

Ras Reed provides more detailed and free information on distance education on his website. Get more info at Blog89473
Keslie Blog74233

Effects of Volatility on the Time Spread

When purchasing a time spread, the investor should pay attention to not only the movement of the stock price, but also the movement of volatility. It plays a very large roll in the price of a time spread, which is an excellent way to take advantage of anticipated volatility movements in a hedged fashion.

Option Volatility

Since the time spread is composed of two options, the investor should understand the role of volatility in options as well as in time spreads. Let us start with option volatility.

We measure an option's volatility component by a term called Vega. Vega, one of the components of the pricing model, measures how much an option's price will change with a one-point (or tick) change in implied volatility. Based on present data, the pricing model assigns the Vega for each option at different strikes, different months and different prices of the stock.

Vega is always given in dollars per one tick volatility change. If an option is worth $1.00 at a 35 implied volatility and it has a .05 Vega, then the option will be worth $1.05 if implied volatility were to increase to 36 (up one tick) and $.95 if the implied volatility were to decrease to 34 (down one tick).

Keep these facts in mind as we continue to discuss Vega:

1. Vega measures how much an option price will change as volatility changes.
2. Vega increases as you look at future months and decreases as you approach expiration.
3. Vega is highest in the at-the-money options.
4. Vega is a strike-based number. It applies whether the strike is a call or a put.
5. Vega increases as volatility increases and decreases as volatility decreases.

It is important to note that an option's volatility sensitivity increases with more time to expiration. Further out-month options have higher Vegas than the Vegas of the near term options. The further out you go over time, the higher the Vegas become. Although increasing, they do not progress in a linear manner. When you check the same strike price out over future months you will notice that Vega values increase as you move out over future months.

The at-the-money strike in any month will have the highest Vega. As you move away from the at-the-money strike in either direction, the Vega values decrease and continue to decrease the further away you get from the at-the-money strike. Remember, Vega (an option's volatility component value) is highest in at-the-money, out-month options. Vega decreases the closer you get to expiration and the further away you move from the at-the-money strike.

The chart below shows Vega values for QCOM options. Observe the important elements. The stock price is constant at 68.5. Volatility is constant at 40. Time progresses from June to January. Finally, the strike price changes from 50 through 80. Notice the increasing pattern as you go out over time and how the value decreases as you move away from the at-the-money strike.

Chart 3- VegaStock Price 68.5 Vol. 40
Strike June July October January
50 0 .008 .064 .114
55 .004 .030 .102 .153
60 .023 .063 .135 .184
65 .053 .090 .157 .205
70 .056 .094 .165 .215
75 .032 .077 .154 .213
80 .011 .052 .142 .203

Another important fact about Vega is that it is a strike-based number. This means that the Vega number does not differentiate between put and call. Vega tells the volatility sensitivity of the strike regardless of whether you are looking at puts or calls. Therefore, the Vega number of a call and its corresponding put are identical.

The chart below shows the Vega values for calls and the corresponding puts. As you can see, these values match up in every instance.

Chart 6
Strike Price Call Vega Put Vega
60 .023 .023
65 .053 .053
70 .056 .056
60 .063 .063
65 .090 .090
70 .094 .094
60 .135 .135
65 .157 .157
70 .165 .165
60 .184 .184
65 .205 .205
70 .215 .215

Vega can also calculate how much a specific option's price will change with a movement in implied volatility. You simply count how many volatility ticks implied volatility has moved. Multiply that number times the Vega and either add it (if volatility increased) to the option's present value or subtract it (if volatility decreased) from the option's present value to obtain the option's new value under the new volatility assumption. The calculation works on individual options and can analyze the value of the time spread.

Apply Vega to Time Spreads
Now, let us apply the concepts of Vega to the Time Spread. When you apply the Vega concept to time spreads, you observe that as implied volatility increases, the value of the time spread increases. This is because the out-month option, with the higher Vega will increase more than the closer month option with the lower Vega. That widens or increases the spread.

The chart below shows a time spread and its reaction to increasing volatility. Each time that implied volatility increases, the value of the time spreads increase. This increase would naturally favor the buyer.

Chart 4
Stock Price $ Vol. June/July 65 Oct/July 65
65.5 30 1.09 2.09
65.5 40 1.43 2.75
65.5 50 1.77 3.41
65.5 60 2.11 4.05
65.5 70 2.49 4.60

If an investor bought the time spread at low volatility and within a few weeks volatility had increased and pushed the spread price higher, the investor could sell the spread at a profit even before expiration.

Of course, the Vega can also demonstrate the opposing effect. As implied volatility decreases, the spread tightens or decreases in value. As volatility comes down, the out-month option with its higher Vega will lose value more quickly than will the nearer month option with its lower Vega. In the chart below, you will see how decreasing volatility affects the time spread's value.

Chart 5
Stock Price $ Vol. June/July 65 Oct/July 65
65.5 70 2.49 4.60
65.5 60 2.11 4.05
65.5 50 1.77 3.41
65.5 40 1.43 2.75
65.5 30 1.09 2.09

Glance back to Charts 4 and 5. Take note that the stock price is constant. The changes in the price of the spreads are due to the change in volatility.

We discussed how to use Vega to calculate an option's price when volatility changes. The same calculation method works for time spreads but the calculation is slightly more difficult.

Base Volatility

Spread traders must understand how to properly calculate accurate volatility. In order to get accurate volatility levels, you must first determine a base volatility for the two options involved in the spread. Getting a base volatility must be done because different volatilities in different months cannot and do not get weighted evenly mathematically.

Since they are weighted differently, you cannot simply take the average of the two months and call that the volatility of the spread. It is more complicated than that.

The problem relates to calculating the spread's volatility with two options in different months. Those different months are usually trading at different implied volatility assumptions. You cannot compare apples with oranges nor can you compare two options with different volatility assumptions.

It is important to know how to calculate the actual and accurate volatility of the spread because the current volatility level of the spread is one of the best ways to determine whether the spread is expensive or cheap in relation to the average volatility of the stock.

There are several ways to calculate the average volatility of a stock. There are also ways to determine the average difference between the volatility levels for each given expiration month. Volatility cones and volatility tilts are very useful tools that aid in determining the mean, mode and standard deviations of a stock's implied volatility levels and the relationship between them.

The present volatility level of the spread is comparable to those average values and a determination can then be made as to the worthiness of the spread. If you now determine that the spread is trading at a high volatility, you can sell it. If it is trading at a low volatility, you can buy it. You must know the current trading volatility of the spread first.

To accurately calculate volatility levels for pricing and evaluating a time spread, the key is to get both months on an equal footing. You need to have a base volatility that you can apply to both months. For instance, say you are looking at the June / August 70 call spread. June's implied volatility is presently at 40 while August's implied volatility is at 36. You cannot calculate the spread's volatility using these two months as they are. You must either bring June's implied volatility down to 36 or bring August's implied volatility up to 40. You may wonder how you can do this.

You have the tools right in front of you. Use the June Vega to decrease the June option's value to represent 36 volatility or use August's Vega to increase the August option's value to represent 40 volatility. Both ways work so it does not matter which way you choose.

We will use some real numbers so that we may work through an example together. Let's say the June 70 calls are trading for $2.00 and have a .05 Vega at 40 volatility. The August 70 calls are trading for $3.00 and have a .08 Vega at 36 volatility, so the Aug/June 70 call spread will be worth $1.00. To be able to calculate the volatility of the spread, we must equalize the volatilities of the individual options.

First, let's move the June calls by moving June's implied volatility down from 40 to 36, a decrease of four volatility ticks. Four volatility ticks multiplied by a Vega of .05 per tick gives us a value of $.20. Next, we subtract $.20 from the June 70 option's present value of $2.00 and we get a value of $1.80 at 36 volatility. Now the two options are valued at an equal volatility basis.

Looking at this first adjustment where we moved the June 70's volatility down to 36 from 40, we have a value of $1.80 at 36 volatility. The August 40 call has a value of $3.00 at 36 volatility. The spread will be worth $1.20 at 36 volatility.

If you wanted to move the August 70 calls instead, you would take the August 70 call Vega of .08 and multiply it by the four tick implied volatility difference. This gives you a value of $.32 that we must add to the August 70 call's present value in order to bring it up to an equal volatility (40) with the June 70 call. Adding the $.32 to the August 70 call will give it a $3.32 value at the new volatility level of 40, which is the same volatility level as the June 40 calls. Now, our spread is worth $1.32 at 40 volatility. August 70 calls at $3.32 minus the June 70 calls at $2.00 gives the price of the spread at 40 volatility.

It does not make any difference which option you move. The point is to establish the same volatility level for both options. Then you are ready to compare apples to apples and options to options for an accurate spread value and volatility level.

Since we now have an equal base volatility, we can calculate the spread's Vega by taking the difference between the two individual option's Vegas. In the example above, the spread's Vega is .03 (.08 - .05). The Vega of the spread is calculated by finding the difference between the Vega's of the two individual options because in the time spread, you will be long one option and short the other option.

As volatility moves one tick, you will gain the Vega value of one of the options while simultaneously losing the Vega value of the other. The spread's Vega must be equal to the difference between the two options Vega's, so, our spread is worth $1.20 at 36 volatility with a .03 Vega or $1.32 at 40 volatility with a .03 Vega.

Going back to our original spread value of $1.00 with a Vega of .03, we can now calculate the volatility of that spread. We know the spread is worth $1.20 at 36 volatility with a Vega of .03. Therefore, we can assume that the spread trading at $1.00 must be trading at a volatility lower than 36.

To find out how much lower we first take the difference between the two spread values, which is $.20 ($1.20 at 36 volatility minus $1.00 at ? volatility). Then we divide the $.20 by the spread's Vega of .03 and we get 6.667 volatility ticks. We then subtract 6.667 volatility ticks from 36 volatility and we get 29.33 volatility for the spread trading at $1.00.

We can also determine the volatility of the spread as the spread's price changes. We will fix the spread price at $1.30. To calculate this, we must first take the value of the spread ($1.20 at 36 volatility) and find the dollar difference between it and the new price of the spread ($1.30). The difference is $.10. The Vega of the spread must now divide this dollar difference. The $.10 difference divided by the .03 Vega gives you a value of 3.33 volatility ticks. Then add the 3.33 ticks to the 36 volatility and you get 39.33 as the volatility for the spread trading at $1.30.

Let us double-check our work by calculating the volatility the other way. This time we will do the calculation by moving the August 70 calls up to the equal base volatility of the June 70 calls. As calculated earlier, the August 70 calls will have a value of $3.32 at 40 volatility. The June 70 calls are worth $2.00 at 40 volatility, so the spread is worth $1.32 at 40 volatility.

Now, move the spread price to $1.30, $.02 lower than the value of the spread at 40 volatility. As before, we take the difference in the prices of the spread. The result is $.02 ($1.32 - $1.30). Then, divide $.02 by our spread's Vega of .03 (remember that the Vega of the spread is equal to the difference between the Vega of the two individual options). $.02 divided by .03 gives us a value of .67. We must subtract that .67 from our base volatility of 40. That gives us a 39.33 (40 - .67) volatility for the spread trading at $1.30. This volatility matches our previous calculation perfectly.

At first glance, you might be wondering why we went through all of these calculations. With the June 70 calls at 40 volatility, price $2.00, Vega .05 and the August 70 calls at 36 volatility, price $3.00, Vega .08 why not just take an average of the volatility? This would give us a 38 volatility for the spread with a price of $1.00 when in actuality $1.00 in the spread represents a 29.33 volatility.

This would be almost a nine-tick difference, which represents a whopping 30% mistake! As stated earlier, Vega is not linear. You cannot weigh each month evenly and just take an average of the two months. For argument's sake suppose you did. Let's say you found the difference of the Vegas of the options and came up with a spread Vega of .03, which is correct. However, when you try to calculate the spread's volatility and price you would have difficulty.

Now, recalculate the spread with the trading price of $1.30, or $.30 higher than your value at 38 volatility. Divide that $.30 higher difference by the spread's Vega of .03. You get a 10-tick volatility increase. Add that increase to the base 38 volatility. That would mean you feel the spread is trading at 48 volatility instead of a 39.33 volatility! This type of mistake could be very, very costly. Remember, apples to apples, oranges to oranges. It does not matter which option's volatility of the spread you move as long as you get both options to an equal base volatility.

Ron Ianieri enjoyed 14 years of experience as a floor trader on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, including four years as the lead market maker in DELL computer options one of the busiest books in history. He is currently chief options strategist and co-founder of The Options University, an educational company that teaches investors how to make consistent profits using options while limiting risk.Honorine Blog87890
Marc Blog23253

Why Persuasion Works

We are persuaded everyday in one way or another whether we realize it or not. We are persuaded by advertisements, friends and family, even our bosses and coworkers. The degrees to which the persuasion works varies, but there is one factor that plays a role in each situation: stress.

What is stress?

The interesting part about persuasion and stress is that we tend to separate the two so much that many dont make the proper association. Stress is the changing of a situation to seem as if it is different than it actually is. When youre stressed out, your responsibilities seem larger than they are. To stress something is to put more weight on it literally or figuratively. Everyone is stressed or stressed someone else out each day, and the good news is that you can take this fact and use for your own good.

What does stress do?

What you might not realize at first is that stress changes your perspective on things. While you might think that its your work or your responsibilities that change your stress levels, its actually your stress that is making work seem like its the culprit. Heres what happens: when youre under stress, you cant focus as much. Youre so wrapped up in whatever is causing the stress that you start to make decisions based on the stress that you are feeling.

For example, when youre really stressed, you might respond differently to your friends and family. In persuasion, sales people use the prospect of stress to change the way that you think about their product or their service. What they do is change your thinking so that youre worried about the product enough that you feel that you have to purchase it. In the boardroom, you might persuade people to your viewpoint by stressing that the company will not do well unless your proposal is followed.

Why people want to avoid stress

All of us want to avoid stress as much as possible it doesnt feel good, it doesnt seem to be helpful or healthy. And studies have proven these facts. While a little stress can help to focus our minds on a goal, too much stress can lead to problems with our health and with our bodies. By creating a situation in which you point out the problems of something that is important to you, you can use the natural avoidance of stress as a way to lead someone to your suggestions.

No one wants to ever feel uncomfortable or be presented with the idea that they could felt uncomfortable. By realizing this fact, you can use it to change the way that people look at what you want.

Using stress in persuasion

When you want to use the idea of stress in your own relationships, you will want to be careful. Many times, people can tell when someone else is trying to take advantage of them in a weaker spot. However, when something is going wrong in a relationship and that is causing stress, introducing ways to change the problems is the best course of action. Because of the stress of the problems, they are much more likely to be accepted and followed as a way to stop the stress.

How to manage your stress so that you cant be easily persuaded

On the other hand, if youre easily stressed, you will find that you are more easily persuaded and thats not always something that is positive. What you need to do is learn how to manage your stress so that you can make decisions that are right for you. In a conversation with someone else, it helps to lower your voice in order to diminish the emotional aspect and keep you from becoming stressed and agitated.

You can also make sure that you are focusing on the facts of a situation rather than looking for the benefits of something immediately. When you start to focus on what something can do for you, you can forget about the basic construction of an idea or a product and start to overlook flaws. Try to look at situations as though you were selling it or as though you were in the other persons position, ask yourself how would you feel?

Stress is an unavoidable part of life, but when you realize how you can use it to your advantage, it can be one of the most powerful tools in your relationships.

Cucan PemoLaurent Blog5920
Kiley Blog98733

Is It Good To Be Gifted? The Flipside To Giftedness In Kids

Is it good to be a gifted? This may sound like a strange question - of course being gifted is good... isnt it?

It's true that kids who score higher on IQ tests will have an academic advantage. After all, these tests are designed to predict school success. The skills tapped by IQ tests, including memory, problem-solving, and language ability are also important for doing well on college placement tests and succeeding in a career. So theres definitely an upside to being gifted but is there a flipside to having a high IQ?

Just as its unfair and unrealistic to make generalized statements about any group of people based on similar traits they share, we shouldnt oversimplify our view on the effects of giftedness on children. In fact, having a high IQ doesnt necessarily come with any particular disadvantages. The research in this area is mixed, at best. And much of it is based on interviews or anecdotal evidence, which makes it hard to come to any firm conclusions about the findings.

Yet, all children are susceptible to struggles at some time in their development and gifted children are no different. A common belief is that they are more prone to certain developmental problems due to being perceived as different by others, or because they see themselves as being out of touch with most of their peers. And this makes sense. A primary need of most kids - and maybe, to a lesser degree, of most s as well - is to "fit in." Anyone who's been through school understands how important it is to dress like, act like, and be like everyone else. Or at least like everyone else in your own little subgroup. We seem to have a need to be folded into a crowd with whom we can share certain interests - a social connection, an identity. Yet gifted kids are, by definition, different, at least when it comes to certain skills or talents they possess. Yes, giftedness is arguably a positive difference - at least from an perspective - but a difference, nonetheless. For kids and teens, the pressure to conform is often so great that any deviation from the norm can be distressing. We've all heard terms like brain, nerd, geek or worse applied to kids who seem too bookish, or too "into" school.

Of course, the potential for social problems is not unique to gifted kids; all children are susceptible to teasing, bullying, or social isolation when they don't fit in, for whatever reason. The school years can be tough for everybody. Gifted kids, though, do share some unique pressures and developmental issues that others may not.

A Disconnect Between the Brain, the Body, and Emotions

Most six-year-olds look, act, and think like six-year-olds. Gifted children, however, are often described as showing "asynchronous development." That is, while much of their development may be typical for their age (their size and emotional reactions, for instance), cognitively they are out of sync.

Gifted children may also have a tendency to want to discuss "adult" issues - such as , spirituality, and the afterlife at a deeper, more involved level than most kids their age. Other potential topics may include uality, birth, money, relationships, and divorce. While discussing these types of issues calmly and openly is not necessarily detrimental to a child, there can be drawbacks. A child who is excessively concerned about these things may become overly focused, frightened, or grossed out by knowing too much about issues they lack the life experience or emotional maturity to fully understand.

In short, there is a certain bliss in the innocence of childhood that may be lost on gifted children who are enlightened too quickly concerning lifes mysteries.

Emotional Sensitivity

Gifted children are often thought to be more emotionally perceptive and responsive than their peers. Some have described them as having finely tuned antennae when it comes to picking up and responding to emotional signals that come from within themselves or from those around them. Because of thee traits, some may be overly empathetic to other peoples problems or situations. They might show a tendency to make the problem their own, and mirror the moods or emotional state of the person they are concerned about. Other gifted kids may overreact to frustration, rejection, success, or any situation that triggers an emotional response for example, sobbing over an outwardly minor disappointment.


Friendships are often based on similarities. We tend to connect with others who are like us in some way. That is not to say that two people need to be clones of each other to bond - differences are often what make a relationship interesting and may be what initially attracts one person to another. But it's fair to say that long-term relationships are often kept going because the people involved are somehow similar. And arguably, mental similarities are one of the most - if not the most - important ways that people connect and stay connected.

A potential problem for gifted children is that they often think in a different way than most of their age peers those they are likely to spend a great deal of time with. They have the physical appearance and probably the emotional maturity of their classmates, but may have the vocabulary, interests, and reasoning ability of those much older than themselves. They don't really fit into either group. Consequently, developing meaningful friendships can be more difficult for gifted children, and this problem can become more pronounced as cognitive ability increases. Put another way, the pool of potential same age "mental mates" shrinks as IQ rises.

Self Esteem

While studies show that many gifted children have high global self-esteem (how they feel about themselves in general) and high self-esteem when it comes to academics, it is also known that they are not immune to having poor opinions about themselves. Self esteem issues may be particularly troublesome for gifted children who are prone to perfectionism the desire to do everything just right before one can be satisfied with the outcome. Realizing their own potential and capabilities, these kids may get the feeling that they should be able to do just about anything, and then become frustrated when they dont perform up to their own expectations. For example, getting less than perfect grades, not making the varsity sports team, or not winning an award for the best science project may make the gifted child feel that he has let himself down. Self-esteem may also be negatively affected when gifted kids feel that they are not measuring up to other high-achieving students, or to !
mentors whom they see as role s or intellectual equals.


The very traits that help gifted children excel in learning can make it difficult for them to participate in many school programs.

For example:

Because they are usually able to complete tasks quickly, they may become disinterested in a subject once they feel they have mastered it, and then begin to tune out the teacher while they move on to different things in their own minds. These children may be perceived as unfocussed or as "daydreamers."

They may be more focused on the big idea, rather than the small details of a school task or subject. The organization of their school work may appear to be lacking and attention to detail may be missing. They may be perceived as disorganized, inattentive, or defiant.

And teachers that are not skilled at adapting their instruction to meet the needs of gifted learners may feel threatened by how quickly the child learns, or by how much they know. Such teachers may try to make the gifted child conform to the pace of the classroom through reprimands or discipline techniques that create hard feelings or a poor working relationship between the teacher and the student.

Ways Kids Cope

Gifted children are as diverse a group as any other, and no two are alike. How they navigate through the social world and cope with the stresses of growing up may have more to do with individual personality traits, or the type of emotional support they get from others, than with their IQ.

Whether or not a child is dealing with any of the issues mentioned here, parents can help their kids through the school years by:

Being there to listen, understand, and support them emotionally when they are going through a stressful period.

Providing them with opportunities to develop and explore their interests and connect with others who hold similar interests.

Avoiding pushing them to excel or compete or excessively praising them for their accomplishments.

Encouraging fun, playful activities and downtime.

Most importantly, research (and common sense) tells us that all children benefit from having at least one caring, supportive in their lives who provides structure, consistency, and a sense of unconditional love, warmth, and encouragement.

Editors Note: David Palmers new book, Parents Guide to IQ Testing and Gifted Education: All You Need to Know to Make the Right Decisions for Your Child (2006) is available online and through Barnes and Noble and other fine book sellers.


One famous study of gifted children was begun by Lewis Terman of Stanford University in the 1920s. Terman identified over 1,500 people, including many children, whose IQs measured in the gifted range. Then he, and other researchers after his , followed them over time to see how their lives and careers developed. One reason he began this research was to disprove the early ripe, early rot idea. At the time, many people felt that there was a fine line between genius and madness, and that those who burned too brightly as children would flame out in the end. Termans study had many flaws by todays standards. For example, instead of choosing his subjects randomly, he selected them mostly from white, middle-class families. And instead of remaining an objective observer, he became actively involved in some of their lives by giving them advice or writing them letters of recommendation. However flawed, the study has given us some of our earliest insight into what it means to be gifted, and more than 40 years after Terman's the research continues, even though there are now relatively few Termites (as the subjects affectionately came to be called) living. One outcome was to disprove the early rot theory. Most of the gifted kids in the study did well as s - many getting advanced degrees and leading apparently fulfilling lives. Yet it was also revealed that giftedness did not shelter them from the agonies of life. The Termites became alcoholics, got divorced, and committed at about the same rate as everyone else.


In support of the idea that an extremely high IQ is not a necessary condition for great achievement, researchers have found that many accomplished scientists, Ph.D.s, college professors, and medical students have IQs that measure below that magical cut-off point of 130. The famous physicist and Nobel laureate, Richard Feynman, was said to have an IQ that measured around 125. What does this tell us? What we already know - that IQ tests are imperfect instruments that only measure a narrow band of our abilities and talents and may totally miss out on capturing the true essence

David Palmer, Ph.D., is a parent, educational psychologist, and author of the book, Parents Guide to IQ Testing and Gifted Education: All You Need to Know to Make the Right Decisions for Your Child - availalbe in bookstores and online at and through other online retailers.Macintosh Blog63806
Fulbert Blog59205

Monday, February 4, 2008

How to Save on Home Heating Energy: Superb Saving Ideas

To say that you can save on your homes heating system and energy isn't an understatement. Reduced bills on your electricity, maximized heating system, and a whole lot of energy saving phenomenon are things you don't see everyday but desire to obtain.

Everybody longs to reduce his or her expenses on energy and heating system and save more money for the future. Besides, people don't work just to pay the utility bills alone. There are still many things that have to be considered when disbursing money.

The greatest reason for this dilemma is the on-going increase of the commodity prices as well as energy consumption charges. Everything seems to have high prices nowadays. It is best to trim down the other expenses in which you have control of, such as energy consumption.

One of the best examples that utilizes energy more are the home heating systems. Heaters are used by homes that are situated in cold countries.

However, heaters can eat up bigger portions in your electricity bill. In fact, statistical reports prove that heaters are one of the largest energy consumers in every home, that is, more than half of the consumption rate in a given year.

For this reason, it is imperative to think of ways to save on heating systems so as to save on energy consumption as well. As you save on these items, you get more value for your money.

But how? Things are, most of the time, easier said than done. So if you think that it is easy to maximize your heaters and save more on energy, think again.

To help you, here is a list of some energy saving tips that will help you cut back on your heaters energy consumption.

1. Use solar energy

Natural is always the best. To save more on energy, it is best to use solar energy when using water heaters in your homes heating system. In this way, you trap natural heat coming from the sun. You will consume less energy.

With the solar energy utilized in your homes heating system, you can start heating your water for showers or revolutionize your homes heating system and still reduce your electricity bill.

2. Inspect your home

To maximize your homes heating system, it is best to inspect your house for any leakage. Leaks will let the heat seep out from your home, thus, absorbing cold from the outside. Most of the areas that leakage starts to develop are in the windows, doors, and fireplaces.

Once identified, it is best to take some proper actions as soon as possible so as to cut back any unnecessary costs on energy.

3. Sue heaters on frequently used rooms only

To save more energy, only use heaters on areas that are frequently visited and used by your household. For rooms that are not being used, try to turn off the thermostat or close the windows to utilize natural heat.

By doing so, you can cut back your energy consumption through your heater by as much as 50%.

4. Insulate

One of the biggest secrets in maximizing your homes heating system is insulation. A properly and well insulated home can guarantee a comfortable home without using too much energy. Thus, you can save more money by cutting back your energy consumption.

It is best to use some insulating devices on your roof, windows, and other areas that need padding. This will block the heat in and keep it from escaping the house.

5. Get a good heating system

Of course, you can never guarantee lower energy bill if not for an efficient heating system. Defective heating system can utilize twice as much energy as those that are functioning properly. The tendency is to use more force just to boost more heat, and the more force the heating device use, the more energy it will consume.

Besides, defective products would require frequent visits to repair shops and that would be additional expenses for you.

All of these things can help you maximize your heating system and save more energy. In this way, you can save more money and use it on other things that need prioritization.

The above article was written by Sarah Miller on behalf of a buzzing online Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Contractors community where homeowners easily and painlessly find the right contractor for their home improvement projects and in turn, contractors can find the right Home Improvement Leads! Also check out the Blog for more related Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Articles and Ideas.Donald Blog64215
Anne Blog66806

Advantages of Online Card Games

Even though I am a huge fan of playing cards, I cannot set aside an evening to play poker with my friends and family because we all have very busy schedules. I miss those evenings when we played poker for hours. Nothing can be compared with sitting down with your friends for a lovely evening of cards, remembering old times and funny memories, drinking a few beers and having some snacks. Personally I find this the best way to enjoy my friends. However, when this is not possible, then I turn to playing online card games, my second favorite activity.

Playing online card game is really easy, you don't have to call your friends and try to arrange a convenient time and place for everyone to get together and play poker. When playing online, you sign in and then you just get started, everyone is already there, you have virtual cards and a virtual table, as well. Everything is redistributed, cheating is impossible and all you have to do is sit down and play the hand. When you get bored, you are free to go or you could change the table. There are even people who can play two or three online card games at the same time. I can only admire such dedication.

When playing online, you can still make some new friends. Online card games have the opportunity for text conversation, so you can talk to the people you are playing with. Using this chat is great because you are not face to face and you don't get nervous about meeting strangers. Moreover, you can pretend to be someone you are not and no one will question you. If you start feeling uncomfortable or you get bored with the game, you can leave whenever you want. Playing online card games has the advantages of face-to-face card playing without the disadvantage of commitment and effort. However, no matter how good online card games might be, nothing is better than a nice poker night with your old friends sharing memories and having a few drinks.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning computer software. Learn more at Blog72633
Diane Blog28395

Multiplicity of Debt Consolidation Program is a Boon

Debt consolidation program are especially meant for people who are facing debt problems. And debt problems are of nature which once starts growing; it becomes very difficult to stop them. But as well said iron cuts an iron in the same manner a debt is used to finish the debts of a person. The financial market termed the way of handling debts as debt consolidation program.

Debt consolidation program provides different ways to manage debts. Today various financial companies provides debt consolidation program as per the problem of person. Generally these companies have panel of credit experts who listens to the problem of person and evaluate it. And finally suggest a way to come out of debt problem.

Choosing an appropriate Debt consolidation program is very crucial decision as single wrong decision can worst up your credit situation.

Debt consolidation program is also considered as quickest and cheap mode to manage debts. On availing debt consolidation program the person can reduce his monthly outgoing of money. As the lender of the debt consolidation program combines all the debts of a person and let him pay single monthly installment. In other words it let the person deal with the single lender rather than dealing with number of creditors. It also leads to reduction in the rate of interest. In debt consolidation program the lender negotiates with the creditors of the borrower to reduce the amount of debts. The principal amount of debt is not reduced rather the reduction lies in the various other cost of the loan and even waiving penalties of loan if any.

Usually there are several other ways to eliminate the debts such as IVAs, r bankruptcy. But they are considered as bad credit for a person. So, it is always advisable that the person should avoid such mode. On the other hand, availing debt consolidation program adds to the credit report of a person if timely payments of installments are made to the lender.

Other ways of managing debts which forms a part of debt consolidation program are debt consolidation loan, mortgage or remortgage etc. The functions performed by these are same that is handling debts. But, the person avail it as per his needs because loan may be better suited to person than mortgage and vice versa. This is the reason that why the person is suggested to consult a credit advisor before availing any debt consolidation program.

After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor to provide you the wise counsel in the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers. She works for the UK Debt Consolidations. To find Debt consolidation program, business debt management, loans, unsecured debt consolidation loans, secured loans that best suits your needs visit Blog57981
Elisabeth Blog89775

A Bad Combination: High Fiber and Acid Reflux

There is a little known bad effect of eating a high fiber diet. Most recommendation on the amount of fiber to eat is in the range of 30 to 40 gm per day. And as you age this becomes more important since high fiber diets help you remove excess cholesterol in the colon and help regulate your bowel movements. In addition, fiber helps to remove toxins from your colon and provide food for the good bacterial.

What you are not told about fiber is that fiber can bind with certain nutrients and minerals and they get tied up in your stools before they get absorbed into your blood stream. This condition can occur when your stomach acid gets weak. And the weaker it gets, higher values of pH 3.5, 4, 5, and 6 the more nutrients you lose to stool formation.

There are two situations where your stomach acid gets weak. First, as you age, your ability to create and release HCl acid from your stomach walls decreases. Second, at any age, if you take any type of drug to decreased your stomach acid strength in an effort to reduce acid reflux damage to your esophagus. Both these condition in combination with a high fiber diet lead to a more minerals tied up in chyme or stools.

Heres how you lose the minerals. Phytate, a chemical found in grains, cereal and seeds, and fiber easily combine with nutrients and minerals. This complex of phytate, fiber, and minerals calcium, manganese, iron, copper, nickel, or zinc - are easily absorbed when your stomach acid is the natural value of ph 1 3. As your stomach acid weakens and the pH rises to 4, 5, 6, and even 7, the complex become more insoluble and not absorbable. To make matters worse is if you have plenty of calcium and magnesium in this complex, it will tie up other mineral and make them insoluble.

There is one other condition that occurs with weaken stomach acid. Digestion of protein is decrease leaving more undigested protein to move into the colon. It is this undigested protein and constipation that can lead to colon cancer, especially if the protein has been cured with nitrites.

Heres how to avoid becoming mineral deficient. Keep your diet high in fiber by eating raw fruits and vegetable. If you are over 50 and perhaps 60, your stomach acid has been on the decline. Taking HCl and pepsin tablets can overcome this condition. But to use these acid tablets you need to use them in a special way and that will be covered in another article.

If you have acid reflux avoid using acid neutralizers such as Tums or Rolaids. Avoid, also, taking acid blocking drugs such as Prilosec. These drugs play with your acid levels and make you more susceptible to mineral loss. There are natural remedies that can help you eliminate acid reflux and if you work with a nutritionist, he can help define a diet that will stop acid reflux safely.

Rudy Silva is a Natural Nutritionist. Go to his website to learn more about what you need to do to keep your hair healthy and from falling out. Blog47389
Luc Blog90357